Tom Kiehl

An early game design of junior high vintage. Lots of die rolling, heavy influence from "Careers" and choose your own adventure books.
An early game design of junior high vintage. Lots of die rolling, heavy influence from “Careers” and choose your own adventure books.

Tom helps run the show here and is one of the co-founders of Spielbany.  Tom has been designing games sporadically for as long as he can remember though he caught a more virulent strain of the bug at the end of 2001 when he first conceptualized a particular game, “Othberon.” At that point he started spending too much time at the Board Game Designers Forum.  A short while later Tom helped to form a play-testing group in Albany, NY that would eventually become known as Spielbany.


Tom on BoardGameGeek

Now he’s got too many designs cooking and he wishes he still had time to hang out at BGDF.  Over time we hope to convince him to showcase some of these designs, in various states of completeness, here at Friendly Menace.

Tom also dabbles in the art/graphics department so you can blame many of the visual blunders here on him.

Some of Tom’s Games: